Watering your plants can be a bit like walking a tightrope - too much, and they drown; too little, and they wither away. To ensure your green friends thrive, let's dive into the art of watering.
Light is the only source of energy, as most plants are fairly dependent on light. In this article, you will learn more about why light and placement are crucial if you want your indoor plants to grow and thrive.
Being surrounded by plants is beneficial for both your mental and physical health. This fact is supported by numerous scientific studies. Here, you can read more about the many advantages that plants can contribute to your home.
Plants are living beings who, like us, love to be spoiled from time to time. There are several things you can do to pamper your plant. Here you get our recommendation.
Overwatering, cold temperatures, insufficient light and wrong fertilisation can be reasons why your plant is not in its best state. Learn more about how you can rescue your plant here.