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How to Rescue Your Plant


How to Rescue Your Plant

We've all been there. You've bought the most beautiful plant, and suddenly it's not looking so great anymore. So, where did it go wrong? There can be many reasons why your plant is no longer thriving—sometimes it can be saved, other times not. Here are our tips and tricks to help your plant on its way.

Avoid overwatering and underwatering

Watering your plants can be a bit like walking a tightrope - too much water leads to drowning, and too little water leads to dry and withered plants.

How often should you water, then?

That depends on factors like the season, humidity, pot size, the plant itself, and its requirements. Most plants thrive when the roots are allowed to breathe a bit before being watered. When in doubt, use the fingertip test

Fingertip test:Stick a finger into the soil and feel the top 2.5 cm. If it's damp, hold off on watering. If it's dry, then it's time to water.

When in doubt: Read up on your plant! In our plant guides we go over some of the most popular plants in our collection.  


Sometimes your plant may be feeling down because its roots need more space. 

If the roots have outgrown their current home, the plant may be root-bound. Check your plant once a year to see if it needs more space. If the roots are poking out of the pot, it's a sign that the plant needs more room, and it's time to repot.

This will give your plant a new lease of life, and it can continue to flourish

Brown and yellow leaves or stems

There can be many reasons for yellow or brown leaves. 

If your plant has one or two yellow leaves, don't panic. Some plants, like Alocasia, shed a leaf when a new one grows. In that case, you can trim the old leaf.

However, if your plant is displaying an increasing number of brown and yellow leaves compared to green ones, it indicates that the plant is facing challenges. 

Once again, the primary culprit is often overwatering. 

If you're confident that watering isn't the issue, consider factors like nutrient deficiency or using too much fertilizer, improper placement with excessive or insufficient light, or excessive movement of the plant. Most plants don't fare well with sudden changes in their environment, so they require gradual acclimatization to new conditions and temperatures.

Dead roots - when hope is lost

Sometimes it may be too late, without you even realizing it. If you've accidentally over-fertilized or overwatered your plants, the roots may be dead. 

In this case, you'll need to take the plant out of the pot and check. If the roots appear rotten or brown, it's game over. 

If, however, the roots are still light and fresh, you might have a chance to save it.

And fear not, if you're feeling like you're on a losing streak in the plant game, we've got your back. In our EasyCare selection, we offer many 5-star plants, known for their ability to survive 30 days without light and water! These plants don't demand green thumbs or vast amounts of time to stay alive.

Happy planting! :) 

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