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Fiddle-Leaf Fig

Ficus lyrata planter pasning

Fiddle-Leaf Fig

Ficus lyrata

The Fiddle-Leaf Fig is known for its rugged leathery leaves shaped like a fiddle. When you look closely, you will discover that the leaves have a neat and detailed pattern. Originally it comes from the tropical lowlands of the West African rainforests. In the old days, the leaves were dried and used to roll cigars. That's why the plant is also known as the 'Tobacco Plant'

The Fiddle-Leaf Fig is available in many different shapes and sizes. The younger ones have a thin stem and the older variants have a thicker stem. The characteristic look and the many sizes, has made it one the more popular plants in Scandinavia over the last few years.

Family: The Fiddle-Leaf Fig is from the mulberry genus and is related to the fig trees used in production of edible figs. In its original surroundings the Fiddle-Leaf Fig sometimes bear fruit, however, these are not edible.

Botanical name: Ficus lyrata


Fiddle Leaf Fig.


Watering: The plant must be watered when the top layer of the soil is dry. Do not water if the soil is still moist - the roots can't breathe, if the soil is constantly wet.

Location: Your Fiddle-Leaf Fig will thrive if put in a bright spot, either in indirect sunlight or in a place where it only gets direct sun a few hours a day. The Fiddle-Leaf Fig is not very fond of cold temperatures, therefore it is a good rule of thumb that you do not place it close to doors and windows where cold air enters. The bigger the plant, the less it tolerates being moved around. Therefore, try to find a good place for your plant from the start, and then do not move it too often. It can stress the plant, and cause it to lose its leaves.

Temperature: The plant tolerates temperatures from 15 to 30 °C.

In the months from March to August, you can give the plant a shot of liquid fertilizer once a month if you want it to grow extra fast. 

NOTE: You should not fertilize the plant during the winter season.